10-year S&P 500 total returns by P/E level
***Shiller P/E is currently 24***
Shiller Avg Annual Return
Below 12 16.0%
12 to 16 14.3%
16 to 20 10.3%
20 to 24 6.6%
Above 24 3.5%
5-year S&P 500 total returns by P/E level
***Shiller P/E is currently 24***
Shiller Avg Annual Return
Below 12 16.5%
12 to 16 12.4%
16 to 20 9.3%
20 to 24 11.6%
Above 24 3.2%
(Note the jump in five-year returns for valuations in the 20 to 24 range: it is the result of short-term momentum in bubble markets. The S&P 500 hasn't seen Shiller P/Es at or above 24 except for a very brief period in 1929, and then during the current bubble years encompassing 1999 to the present.)
Please feel free to call or e-mail with questions about the current investing environment...
Christopher Royce Norwood, CFA
Biechele Royce Advisors, Inc.